The CQC registered manager – Dr Abdullah Zakaria
The practice manager – Sana Khan
Figges Marsh Surgery is a partnership
There are three partners:
- Dr Abdullah Zakaria MBBS MSc MRCGP DRCOG PG Cert ME (senior partner)
- Dr Maqsood Ahmed MBBS MRCGP DRCOG
- Dr Muzzaffara Ahmed (fixed share partner)
Salried GPs:
- Dr Syeda Jahan
- Dr Muhamad Shamsuzzoha
The practice is a GP surgery located in Mitcham, Surrey. A town located in the London borough of Merton within the East Merton locality. Figges Marsh is a purpose built surgery comprising 8 consulting rooms, 1 treatment room, 1 conference room, administrative office space and a patient waiting area. There is a small staff car park adjacent to the practice. There is easy access for wheelchairs.
We are approved as a training practice, which means that we have GP registrars, who are fully qualified doctors, undertaking extra training to qualify as a general practitioner. We may also have medical students on placement at various times.
The practice team are committed to delivering the highest standard of medical care and providing a friendly service.
Our website
Full details of all the services we offer and for the latest information and updates can be found on our FootFall site.
Our aims and objectives
- The provision of good quality primary care services delivered in a clean, suitably equipped and safe environment
- To act with integrity and confidentiality and ensure robust information governance systems
- To deliver whole person patient centred holistic care and support to our patients, carers and families
- Proactive management of long term conditions, from birth through to end of life
- Efficient use of NHS Resources whilst providing clinically appropriate access to other NHS resources e.g. consultant referrals, diagnostic tests and effective treatment
- All members of the practice team will have the right skills and training to carry out their duties competently
- To maintain our motivated and skilled work teams
- To guide our employees in accordance with diversity and equality
- To treat all patients and staff with dignity, respect and honesty
- Patients will be proactively involved in the development and maintenance of good quality services through the patient participation group and patient feedback
- We will liaise with other agencies and NHS colleagues in an effective and coordinated manner with a patient centred approach
- Through monitoring and auditing, we will continue to improve our health care services
- Maintain high quality care through continuous learning and training thereby fostering a learning environment within the practice
The registered activities and service types have been agreed by Figges Marsh Surgery in accordance with CQC guidance
CQC regulated activities:
- Diagnostic and screening procedures – Specific diagnostic procedures e.g. phlebotomy, microbiology samples are undertaken for analysis off-site. Specific screening programmes such as cervical screening are also undertaken for analysis off-site. Other procedures such as electrocardiograms and spirometry are undertaken on-site with results available on-site.
- Maternity and midwifery services – Services are offered and provided in conjunction with community midwives for the assessment, treatment and education of patients in the antenatal period as well as post-delivery.
- Treatment of disease, disorder or injury – General practice services for our registered patients and on occasions, patients registered with other GP practices or temporary residents.
Last updated: 24.10.2015