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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms.

Asthma and COPD clinic

If you have been advised by the surgery to submit an annual review of your asthma symptoms. If your symptoms are deteriorating or you are having any concerns, please make an appointment with our nurse.


All patients are entitled to a chaperone. Please inform reception if you require a chaperone or you may wish to bring a relative.

Child health and immunisations

According to the UK immunisations schedule we provide the full childhood immunisation service at our practice. Please ask a receptionist for the appointment with the nurse.

Cervical smears

The practice nurse carries out smears by appointment. Screening for cervical cancer recommended for every women between the ages of 24 to 64. If you do not want to have cervical smear, please contact your GP.

Diabetic clinic

The practice is running a diabetic clinic. You will be asked to see the doctor or a practice nurse for the review of your diabetes and the screening for the complication of diabetes.

Eight week baby check up

Please make an appointment with the GP in advance for a routine 8 weeks baby check.

Family planning

Contraception advice is available. Well woman clinic, we strongly suggest to seek an early advice, if you are planning any pregnancy.

Musculoskeletal clinic and joint injections

We have extended facility to look after patients with bones and joints problem. As a part of the management of these patients we offer joint injections, physiotherapy, acupuncture where appropriate.

Obstetric services

The practice provides antenatal and postnatal care for pregnant ladies. Please collect your urine sample prior to see your GP during your antenatal care. Please make an appointment for 6 weeks post natal check up with your usual doctor.

Termination of pregnancy

Patients are able to access advice, support, and the choice to book a consultation and appointment by calling 0345 872 5503.

Travel vaccination and yellow fever vaccination centre

If you are travelling abroad please make sure you contact us in plenty of time to arrange any vaccinations that may be necessary. To help the travel nurses assess your travel needs it is important that they are in receipt of the assessment form before your appointment.

The practice also offers advice and inoculations for travel abroad.

Holiday health


If you require a prescription for vaccinations this will be ready to collect 2 working days following your appointment.

Holiday health

It is always a wise precaution to pack some essential items in case of illness on holiday. Do choose medicines according to your needs and the country you are intending to visit. lf you take prescription medicines regularly remember to pack them too.

You may want to consider packing the following:

  • Paracetamol, travel sickness tablets, plasters and a small crepe bandage
  • Rehydration solutions such as Dioralyte, Anti-diarrhoeal e.g. lmodium
  • High factor sunscreen
  • Anti-material tablets, Water purification tablets, Insect repellent
  • Condoms / other contraceptives
  • Sunhats for yourself and children

Mosquito bite avoidance for travellers

In many tropical countries, mosquitoes can spread diseases such as dengue, chikungunya, West Nile, malaria, yellow fever and Zika. Here are five simple rules you should follow to reduce your risk of infections spread by mosquitoes.

Yellow fever vaccination

We are also a designated centre for yellow fever vaccination for those who are travelling to the high risk area for the yellow fever.

Travel vaccination charges

We offer the travel health service free of charge, but unfortunately the NHS does not cover the cost of all the treatments you may need. Therefore, for some services you may need to pay. A list of these charges is held at reception.

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 1 November 2024